NEW! Check this out! Dr Patti Britton interviews Dr Agata Loewe about the powerful experience of ASPEX (English)
May 16th-20th 2018: 5-day intensive retreat in the forest region near Warsaw, Poland ~
Join us for a once in a lifetime event, to expand your boundaries and to dance with your sexual soul among enlightened peers and in joyful expression of limitless possibilities.
You’ll want to be here! Limited to 30 participants. Reasonable costs. Shared lodging for 5 nights & all food is included.
Where: At a serene, private, beautiful, nature-steeped countryside retreat outside of the city of Warsaw.
What: ASPEX is an experiential personal journey of sexual self-discovery.
The weeklong experience will accomplish the following outcomes:
How: ASPEX follows Britton’s MEBES© model as its themes:
This training is a journey in self discovery toward sexual self realization, through mini-lectures and demonstrations, self awareness techniques, personal journal writing, dyads, small and whole group discussions, experiential exercises, playful art expression, movement and dance, sounding, shamanic drumming and journeying, sexologically-based bodywork and sacred ceremony. Expert speakers will present their areas of specialization during three of the 5 days. Nudity will be part of the event. No sexual touching will occur without permission of participants involved. This is an advanced training. No one will be permitted to attend without an approved application.
Cost: Single Ticket $2,500, Couple’s Ticket $4,000, a limited number of discounted places are available for residents of Eastern Europe (please inquire)
Non-refundable deposits are required to secure your space. Lodging to be included and all 3 daily meals.
There is a maximum of 30 participants for this event.
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